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Y: Installing
5 / 2019

Y is a Drupal 7 module and so it is installed like most Drupal 7 modules. There are many guides on how to install a Drupal 7 module.

Y differs from other modules in that it makes heavy use of the PHP YAML extension. This extension is not included in many PHP systems (including Pantheon Drupal 7 sites), so a little extra work is needed to install it.

Y: Triplets
4 / 2019

Triplets are stored in conventional YAML files. You will need to create a Drupal 7 / YAD7 Y module and put the YAML files in that module.

Fortunately, this process is straightforward.

Y: Voom
4 / 2019

Voom is a data templating syntax. It allows logical elements to be embedded with conventional key:value pairs.

Triplets are a human-comprehensible way to organize data. With Triplets, you have a main grouping, then pots of sub-information each with its own unique ID.

Data templating is a powerful system to create data structures using templates of the desired output containing embedded logic. Data-templating is programming-language agnostic.

Y: Why
4 / 2019

The rationale underlying Y.

And, why Y is implemented in Drupal 7.

hrk-toggle is a non-javascript flex-based CSS library that implements multi-level responsive menus and expandable tree-structures in HTML with no dependencies.

Y / YAML configuration is a Swiss-army-knife of functionality. It implements a triplet-based flat-file configuration system and data templating to offer extraordinarily efficient tools for building YAD7 & Drupal 7 sites.

UK Flex is a flexbox-based responsive Drupal theme using the UI Kit CSS and Javascript framework and the hrk-toggle CSS tree library. It does not use Bootstrap nor Jquery.

Once you have a Quickbooks Webconnector communicating, and the Quickbooks XML transferring data to and fro, then, you need some entities to put the data into. Beancount provides this entity and related bundles and the framework for dealing with them.

Some things just didn't seem to work right with Feeds Tamper and its related plugins, so some basic functionality is in this module.

Quickbooks XML connects to the Quickbooks Webconnector module and provides exchange (input / output) of Quickbooks data with Drupal.

The Quickbooks Webconnector module (QBWC) allows standalone computers running Quickbooks or Quickbooks Point of Sale (POS) to use the Quickbooks Webconnector to exchange data with a Drupal site.

Drupal underwent a dramatic redesign when moving to Version 8. Overall, the emphasis went towards enterprise-level projects and an assumption that a website would have an army of systems people behind its initiation, development, and maintenance.

The Drupal Amount module leverages modern 64-bit integer processor platforms providing a general-purpose Drupal field with 10E-6 precision and integrated units.

YAD7 & Drupal 7
3 / 2019

YAD7 is a community-sponsored answer to The Drupal Organization's announcement of End-of-Life for Drupal 7. Because Drupal is open-source, the community has the opportunity to decide whether to go along with the main-line branch (currently in version 8 and moving towards version 9), or whether to pursue a different course. Given that there are about a million Drupal 7 sites, and that the migration path to Drupal 8 involves a profound redesign of existing sites, the Drupal community needs a more compatible migration path forward.