In LinuxMint 21-22, the middle button triggers a Paste operation. This article shows how to reconfigure it to scroll the screen on mouse up / down movement.
Here are two ways to do it. Both methods require knowing the identifier of the mouse. To see your xinput identifiers, type xinput
If you have a Logitech USB optical mouse, then one of them will have the identifier Logitech USB Optical Mouse
Temporary / non-persistent
From the command-line, type:
xinput set-prop 'Logitech USB Optical Mouse' "libinput Scroll Method Enabled" 0, 0, 1
xinput set-prop 'Logitech USB Optical Mouse' "libinput Button Scrolling Button Lock Enabled" 1
Create a file called 41-logimouse.conf
in directory /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/
with the following contents:
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "Logitech USB Optical Mouse"
MatchIsPointer "on"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
Driver "libinput"
Option "ScrollButton" "2"
Option "ScrollMethod" "button"
Option "ScrollButtonLock" "true"
Option "NaturalScrolling" "true"
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