Solved Error: Slow boot in Linux

Some errors like a Linux kernel / bluetooth incompatibility can result in slow boot times.

However, if you are waiting more than a minute and a half, then there is a good chance that the problem is a file-system error, simply because 1.5 minutes is the default wait-time for a device to wake up and be known before the operating system continues with its boot sequence.

The first place to look is in your /etc/fstab file for anything that looks amiss. It can be any number of simple things like a changed UUID or even a device that was once loaded and used, but which is no more.

Here are some commands that will give you information that may help solve the problem:

  • inxi -Fxxxrz show broad system information
  • blkid show block devices like partitions and disks actually loaded
  • cat /etc/fstab show permanent partitions and disks the system thinks it has
11 / 2024